Friday, July 22, 2011

Following the MG

A part in me wants to wreck it all and cause it.. Give it one last final blow and blow it all away, but then there is another one ( a lil more sensible one) which asks me to mend it. No prizes for guessing the intensity of the two. Knowing me one would know that mending piece of me is very feeble and quake it cries with forces naturally associated with any quake. Yet if one really knows me would know the abhor I pent for disharmony. I love things in perfect synch with one another.
Harping a little deeper in my trepidation I fail to understand why do we(that includes me too) fail to cherish the little worthwhile of life and cherish trifles. I understand that to understand someone's situation is difficult but how difficult is it to understand someone if one has been through the same. Or is it just our own insecurities the cloud us from taking it in stride and accepting and moving on.
Rather we delve on it and cause it..
An eye for an eye will leave us all blind, I know, and that this is not the right recourse to take but why does the part of me that wants to cause havoc scream foul so frequently and so vociferously.